


Coursework & Awards

> cd C://User/sam/Mathematics
>> ls

>> Statistics
>> Differential Calculus
>> Integral Calculus
>> Multivariable Calculus
>> Ordinary Differential Equations
>> Linear Algebra

> cd C://User/sam/Physics
>> ls

>> Classical Mechanics
>> Electromagnetism
>> Thermodynamics
>> Wave-Optics, Relativity, Intro to Quantum Mechanics

> cd C://User/sam/Computer_Science
>> ls

>> C++, C++ II
>> Python
>> UNIX/LINUX Op. Sys.
>> Discrete Struc. & Alg.
>> Comp. Architecture
>> Webpage Authoring / Web Development

> cd C://User/sam/Awards
>> ls

>> Dean's List, President's Honor Roll // TCHS, Gavilan College
>> AP Scholar, with Honors // College Board
>> AP Scholar, with Distinction // College Board
>> Panera Dream Project, National Scholarship Competition Winner // Panera Bread
>> MESA Rising Stars Award, MESA Award of Academic Excellence // MESA
>> Gavilan College Faculty Association Scholarship // Gavilan College

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